Friday 15 January 2010

Baby Mama (Uncle)

What a day! Potentially a meeting of like minds and unlike energies! In all my years (37) I have never been in the position of looking after a young child. I can say that on the record it was a daunting thought. My niece has a smile that can light up a room but at the age of two has a shrill screech that could clear a small venue hall! Still, as I figured that this was the first sibling that potentially could actually be taught to respect me I took on the job of taking care of her for five hours. Don't get me wrong. I had no misgivings about how she would be. It was more how I would cope and if I could keep her love of entertainment fulfilled in the time I spent with her. To say that she is the perfect niece would be an understatement. She laughed at all the stupid voices and funny faces I pulled. She even put up with all the stupid questions I asked!. I did feel like a fish out of water for the first hour or so but she was patient with me which was nice. For a guy that doesn't sometimes remember what day of the week it is the Christmas watching of "The snowman" and "The Polar Express" confused me a bit but I got over the initial time of the year thing reasonably ok. I even managed to watch a few modern children's tv shows without confusion showing on my face. Honestly I have no idea what miming animals are talking about most of the time. I even changed my first nappy. I actually did it with some guidance from the wearer which did help! Still I managed to tear off rather than fold back one of the sticky tabs on said nappy. I don't know my own strength sometimes! After a full two hours of "Throw the socks to each other" and general laughter she fell asleep ten minutes before her mother/ my sister returned from work. What have I taken from today? 1: I'm not as fit as I used to be. 2: If she is the future then its looking good and 3: Bring back rainbow, I could understand that!

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