Friday 8 January 2010

Let it snow. Swapping a sledge for knowledge.

I figured I may as well do another post as the weather outside makes it near impossible to do anything in the great outdoors. I feel more sorry for the little Jack Russell dog I take for a walk 3 times a day. Tiny little legs can't be fun in the snow. Personally its not affecting me too much. The lack of work means that my set tasks for the day are sadly few which get me down on many an occasion. Ah well. The weather has encouraged me to concentrate on 2 of my New Years resolutions. Reading more books and playing the guitar and keyboards more (not at the same time, of course!). I think I'm at possibly busking level guitar wise and and make a howling kind noise synth wise! All good fun. I think I'm re-acquiring my thirst for knowledge which has been slipping away since my brain has been running on "I don't see the point in stuff" power for a while now. It was strangely relaxing sitting with the girlfriend last night learning how to sew. It sounds screwy I know but I'm trying to cram experiences big and small into my time so I can jump start my little grey cells. A wake up call for the cranium area so to speak. I think I will leave physics and other related subjects for another day though. I have a snowman to build in a bit. Swapping the sledge for knowledge is fine but I won't make it a full time occupation :-)

1 comment:

  1. I always fall back on another old fave: “I don’t have time to learn anything”! I do get the odd moment of freedom though... many’s the time the wife despairs of me as she sees me trudging into the bathroom, book under arm. She just doesn’t understand that this is my only oasis of sanity!
