Saturday 31 December 2011

New Year

   2011, on the whole, has been a crap year. True there are some people who managed to achieve a lot this year and I salute what you have done. For others, including myself, it could have been a lot better. Will I be glad to see the back of this year. In a word yes. This year has involved death of loved ones, heartache for others and a general "bad times" feeling that is best left to the past. If it was going to go wrong then this was going to be the year it happened. It sucked as many balls as it could place in its 12 month wide mouth and carried on chewing for far too long. Now that is a scary image indeed.

   Will 2012 be better? I think it has a fighting chance (unless those mayans have anything to do with it!). I think (and hope) that a hurdle has been jumped. Its time to take stock of what is needed to make a difference in our lives and target all the good things. Personally I intend to take more chances in the coming year and grab some of the stuff i apparently missed this year. I have a list of New Year resolutions but will keep them secret. I do hate people pointing out where I went wrong and how I could have done it differently etc.

   If you feel hard done by with 2011 then fight for a better 2012. If you are already doing well then keep doing it. I'm gonna take a year to concentrate on what I am not so good at to make myself a more rounded person. I may even get better at playing the guitar and restarting my comedy shows!.

   Right now may be the time to shine. Don't let anyone or anything hold you back :-)

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