Friday 15 January 2010

Baby Mama (Uncle)

What a day! Potentially a meeting of like minds and unlike energies! In all my years (37) I have never been in the position of looking after a young child. I can say that on the record it was a daunting thought. My niece has a smile that can light up a room but at the age of two has a shrill screech that could clear a small venue hall! Still, as I figured that this was the first sibling that potentially could actually be taught to respect me I took on the job of taking care of her for five hours. Don't get me wrong. I had no misgivings about how she would be. It was more how I would cope and if I could keep her love of entertainment fulfilled in the time I spent with her. To say that she is the perfect niece would be an understatement. She laughed at all the stupid voices and funny faces I pulled. She even put up with all the stupid questions I asked!. I did feel like a fish out of water for the first hour or so but she was patient with me which was nice. For a guy that doesn't sometimes remember what day of the week it is the Christmas watching of "The snowman" and "The Polar Express" confused me a bit but I got over the initial time of the year thing reasonably ok. I even managed to watch a few modern children's tv shows without confusion showing on my face. Honestly I have no idea what miming animals are talking about most of the time. I even changed my first nappy. I actually did it with some guidance from the wearer which did help! Still I managed to tear off rather than fold back one of the sticky tabs on said nappy. I don't know my own strength sometimes! After a full two hours of "Throw the socks to each other" and general laughter she fell asleep ten minutes before her mother/ my sister returned from work. What have I taken from today? 1: I'm not as fit as I used to be. 2: If she is the future then its looking good and 3: Bring back rainbow, I could understand that!

Friday 8 January 2010

Let it snow. Swapping a sledge for knowledge.

I figured I may as well do another post as the weather outside makes it near impossible to do anything in the great outdoors. I feel more sorry for the little Jack Russell dog I take for a walk 3 times a day. Tiny little legs can't be fun in the snow. Personally its not affecting me too much. The lack of work means that my set tasks for the day are sadly few which get me down on many an occasion. Ah well. The weather has encouraged me to concentrate on 2 of my New Years resolutions. Reading more books and playing the guitar and keyboards more (not at the same time, of course!). I think I'm at possibly busking level guitar wise and and make a howling kind noise synth wise! All good fun. I think I'm re-acquiring my thirst for knowledge which has been slipping away since my brain has been running on "I don't see the point in stuff" power for a while now. It was strangely relaxing sitting with the girlfriend last night learning how to sew. It sounds screwy I know but I'm trying to cram experiences big and small into my time so I can jump start my little grey cells. A wake up call for the cranium area so to speak. I think I will leave physics and other related subjects for another day though. I have a snowman to build in a bit. Swapping the sledge for knowledge is fine but I won't make it a full time occupation :-)

Monday 4 January 2010

Pen to paper!

As the New Year drink soaked piece of human existence know as
myself awoke on January 1st I realised that I needed a change. I
figured a good place to start was to actually try to keep to the New
Years resolutions that I had made a few days before and to write
some stuff down on a blog. The first part of the plan was to stop me
wheezing and avoiding my liver turning into a football and the
second part of the plan was to help stop my head potentially
exploding from all the raging bull crap that seems to be around us
all the time. I am assuming that this is a fairly decent and
therapeutic way of opening up the inbuilt steam valve that many of
us have. I must admit that this does seem to be the calmer
alternative to swearing at my T.V. screen when yet another idiot is
made famous on a reality show for basically being a dick or stepping
on yet another pile of dog crap that has been left to fester on the
floor near the sign that tells you to pick it up in the 1st place!
Strangely I'm now swearing at how bad my spelling has got but
praising the built in browser dictionary - swings and roundabouts (or
something!). I will be using this blog as my way of putting the good
and bad times in black and white for my own uses but hopefully
there will be some stuff in here that people will enjoy. Plus of
course it takes my mind off the smoking and drinking. Deepest
respects for anyone who has kicked any addiction. I feel like I have
given up drinking and smoking and taken up boring!
Well that's kicked off the initial "pen to paper" bit. Wasn't as painful
as I thought it was going to be. I think I'm getting too used to the
140 character Twitter chat boxes!