Friday 19 June 2015

Oh look - You are surrounded by world!

      I have nearly walked into a tree once whilst staring at my phone. It was a lesson learned. A human cannot, despite many people trying, look forward via the top of the skull. I know it has come as a revelation. On the other hand I have had to stand my ground while other people (I like to call them the oblivious ones) have headed towards me at full speed, frantically typing up a tweet or updating a Facebook status - "Currently walking. LOL. No idea where I am. Haven't looked up in 15 mins" - That a) fits the criteria and b) is potentially accurate. Now I could sidestep these literary gods of the highway but I don't. Reasons are simple a) Its more fun to make them jump and b) they potentially have more friends / followers than myself so why should I be overly generous. Plus it gives them a more dramatic conclusion to their story telling - "Phew close call. Nearly hit someone who was obviously not watching their surroundings". The irony would take the creases out of my shirt ( iron -y. Geddit. Yes I am ashamed).
Get rid of all the trees. That field - dump a load of waste on it. Areas of natural beauty. Burn them all. Dam up any streams and kill all the wildlife. In the next decade nobody will notice. We will all be staring at screens or wearing virtual reality specs. Wont need nature.

      That is of course if we havent all tripped up and broken our necks on that rock we didnt see!!!